Best Accessories for Hairdressers
Being a hairdresser isn’t as easy as most people expect it’ll be. Coming home feeling like Chewbacca (ie: covered in hair) while also struggling with the aches and pains of standing on your feet all day is not for the faint of heart.
That said, there are a few things you can get to make your life easier. This list will definitely be a help in helping you determine what must-have hairdresser tools should be in your arsenal. Read on if you want to know the best accessories for hairdressers!
1. Hairbrushes
You’re going to need brushes, of course. Two types of brushes that are most used in salons are paddle brushes and round brushes. Hairdressers swear by Mason Pearson brushes, so they’re a great choice for your go-to paddle brush.
The best round brushes are Ergo Ionic Ceramic Round Brushes, and like Mason Pearson paddle brushes, they come in a variety of sizes!
2. Professional Spray Bottles
Professional hair spritzers are game-changers. They should spray a light even mist onto the hair so that you can moisten it without getting it too damp in one place.
Since many hairdressers suffer from repetitive muscle soreness (like carpal tunnel syndrome), the best spray bottle will also easily fit into your hand and have a continuous spray feature.
3. Clips
Sectioning clips, also called duckbill, butterfly alligator, or crocodile clips, are a multi-purpose tool, used for helping section hair out while styling, cutting, or coloring.
They can also be used to create styles, such as the glam Marcel wave that was popularized way back in 1872, or the finger wave that began in the 1920s. Choose the hair clip type that best suits your client’s hair type and your needs.
4. Combs
Combs are the best accessory for barbers since most men who visit barbershops are looking to get a shorter style. Whether you’re a barber or a hairdresser, though, you’ll need a good set of combs that can do everything you need them to do. Get a variety of professional combs and you’ll never need to worry about them breaking or melting under intense heat.
5. Comfortable (But Stylish) Shoes
Here’s an entry you may not have seen coming, but if you’ve had a chance to think about how much time you’ll spend on your feet in this job, you know you’ll need them. Wearing the right shoes (without compromising style for comfort) will help you look great while offering the support you’ll need.
6. Fantastic Scissors
You’re gonna need at least a great pair of all-purpose shears and blending shears if you want to create some of the top styles. Most stylists use a pair of shears between 5.5 inches and 6.5 inches. To decrease hand strain, reach for ergonomic shears that are highly recommended by experienced hairdressers. Choose a blending sheer that can be used right or left-handed, or, if you’re right-handed, get an ergonomic blending shear.
7. Razors
Like great scissors, you’ll want the best razors available. Choose one with replaceable blades for the best value possible. We like the award-winning Sam Villa razor for its ergonomic design, durable construction, and the fact that both right and left-handed stylists can use it!
8. Curling Irons
Nothing can compare to having a great curling iron. At the very least, you need a 1-inch curling iron, but if you can get more sizes, do it! You can work your way toward a wide variety of irons rather than going with the basic must-haves. If you’d rather not get several irons, grab the three-in-one T3 Whirl instead.
9. Blow Dryer (with Attachments)
Look for one that’s professional, powerful, and lightweight, but ensure that it’s got plenty of settings and attachments too. The lightweight and ergonomic Harry Josh Pro Tools Dryer 2000 3 piece is a great choice.
10. Keebos Crossbody Phone Case

The handsfree phone case for hairdressers. Never drop and misplace your phone again while cutting hair.
In terms of showing off your hard work on social media, a Keebos phone case is the best hairdresser accessory. You can wear it as a necklace or a crossbody phone case, and it gives you the freedom to work with your hands without the hassle of digging into your apron or jean pocket every time you want to upload a new hairstyle onto Instagram. (If you already have Keebos, don’t forget to tag us so we can see your artistry too!) Whether you prefer iPhone or Samsung, Keebos has a case for you.
The Best Accessories for Hairdressers
Every hairdresser needs essential tools to do their job well, including hairbrushes, spray bottles, clips, comfy shoes, scissors, razors, curling irons, and blowdryers.
(Other accessories you might want to include are velcro rollers to set your styles and a brush cleaning tool.) If you want to up your social media game and increase your online presence, you’ll also need a Keebos crossbody case. (If you’re not yet convinced, feel free to read up on more reasons people love Keebos!)