It feels like there are a zillion phone cases on the market, but what phone case is best for parents? Moms and dads have unique needs, whether they’re constantly supervising little ones, caring for their infants, or looking for ways to bond with their teenage children before they leave the nest. Keebos are the best phone case for parents, and in this article, we’ll explain exactly why we feel that way!
As a bit of a sneak peek, though, Keebos allow you to capture special moments with your children, hold their hands for a little longer, and be a good example for your children. Read on to find out more reasons why Keebos is the ideal parents’ phone case!
1. Hold the Hands of Your Little Ones
If you haven’t said it yet, you’ll say it at least once during the course of your parenting life: Kids grow up so fast. That’s why it’s important to treasure the time we have with them now. Phones can be great, but they can also be huge distractions from what’s really important in our lives. The great thing about Keebos is that they allow you to be hands-free so you can hold their chubby little hands for a bit longer, without worrying about where your phone is.
You can wear the Keebos cord/strap any way you want - whether it’s on your left hip, your right hip, or as a lanyard. Choose the way that’s most comfortable for you and your children so nothing will come between you and your kid while they’re snuggled up in your lap.
2. Give Yourself the Gift of Memories
When we’re in the moment with our little ones, we think that nothing could ever make us forget the way they scrunched up their faces when they ate something sour, or their cute little voices. However, the truth is that, as time goes on, you may forget those adorable little moments unless you have something (like your Instagram profile) to jog your memory.
That’s part of why Keebos are a hit with parents. Your kids are always changing - always growing - and unless you’ve got your phone at the ready, you may miss the extra-cute moments with them. With Keebos, you’ve got instant access to your phone at all times. You don’t need to wait the extra 15-20 seconds to dig your phone out from the depths of your purse or backpack - it’s right there for you! In terms of phone cases, Keebos are the “quick draw” option!
3. Treat Them to Something Special Quicker
As kids grow up, it becomes even more important to perform little gestures to show that you care about them. For some parents - parents like our writer - that means going on a nice walk with them where you have a chat and grab a dessert to split. With Keebos, you can take that walk with next to nothing weighing you down, and still split that enormous cookie topped with ice cream over laughs with your teenager.
Even if your kids aren’t grown up yet, though, you can treat them to a little something extra when they’re good on grocery shopping trips. Maybe you’ll grab some candy from the cash register, or for an extra treat, you’ll buy them a cake pop from the in-store Starbucks. No matter how you decide to give a little treat to your kids, Keebos can help make it happen.
4. Parent Your Kids in Style

When your kids are little, they don’t care what you wear. Fanny packs, socks with sandals - it’s all fair game. After all, it’d be kind of weird for them to judge you when they’re still wearing their superhero cape from Halloween in the middle of July.
When your kids get older, though, they’re a bit harder to impress. Be the cool mom and get Keebos. They come in a wide range of colors and styles, and every one of them is as fashionable as they come. You can choose whether you want a phone case with a premium cord, a luxurious chain, or a cool strap. The color options are great, too - you can get black, pink, green, gold, or red. Show off your phone’s finish with a clear case or get an opaque one!
In fact, Keebos are so fashionable that even celebrities love them. That’s right - you can impress your kids by having the same phone case as Eva Longoria, Tori Spelling, or Miss Germany winner Domitila Barros. They can’t diss your style when you’re wearing the same phone case as their favorite celebrities and influencers!
5. Save Money Compared to Other Cases
As you are well aware, parenting is expensive. There are tons of costs involved from the time they’re born until they leave the nest - from diapers to class rings. The good news is that, compared to other crossbody phone cases, Keebos are light on your wallet. Our competitors range from $100-$200 dollars on average for phone cases. Even on the low end of their prices, our phone cases are half that.
Another benefit of our phone cases over others is that we offer phone cases for Samsung phones - something that our main competitor does not. So if you’re an Android fan with a Samsung phone, we won’t leave you hanging - but we will give you a pretty sweet-looking hanging phone case!
6. Be a Good Example for Your Kids
Parenting is tough, and it can be hard to squeeze everything you want to teach them into the short amount of time you have with them. You can teach kids until you’re blue in the face though, and chances are they won’t remember most of it. Your kids are way likelier to remember what you did over what you said.
When you buy Keebos, what you’re doing is contributing to a company that has partnered with a fantastic organization called “One Tree Planted.” They plant a tree with every purchase, helping the earth to renew and providing homes for wildlife as well as jobs for low-income families.
Another thing we do here at Keebos is to send your phones in recyclable, compostable craft paper. We avoid dyes or plastics in our packaging to ensure that we don’t harm the earth or contribute to unnecessary waste.
7. Let Them Borrow Your Phone with Confidence

If you’re the type of parent who lets their kids borrow your phone when they’re bored, you’ll love Keebos. Kids have little hands, so it can be very difficult for them to grab onto large phones like the iPhone Pro Max. When they’re still developing, little ones are notorious for dropping things - and the last thing you want them to do is to drop your new, expensive phone on the ground!
With Keebos, you can simply adjust the phone cord so it can fit around their necks comfortably, and you won’t have to worry about them dropping it. Another feature of Keebos is the elastic band on the back, which can help even little ones keep a good grip on your phone while they’re using it. All you’ve got to do is show them how to hold it, and you’ll be hands-free and carefree even if they’re holding your phone and walking through your home with tile floors!

No cracks, no breaks.
Keebos - The Best Parents’ Phone Case
There you have it - Keebos are the best phone case for parents because you don’t have to worry about breaking your phone and can be a great example to them, all without having to let go of their adorable little hands. If you’re dying to get your hands on a Keebos phone case, check out our selection today!

1 comment
My wife juggling three toddlers and a busy household definitely deserves this phone case!